First of all, crazy how long since we last put anything up here.
I guess we’ve been busy!
If you haven’t seen it yet, please take a look at the GearsBot platform that Cort has created in the past couple of years.

It’s been a labor of love – an completely open-source and free top-of-the-line realistic, robotics simulator. It has block-based programming, Python, and is compatible with EV3 APIs, so can be used in conjunction with LEGO robotics education. It had helped us, and countless others like us, keep going during the pandemic video-conferencing days and the ensuing transformation in online education.
As of late, Cort has been doing is utmost to keep the Missions category of the simulator up to date with the latest competition models.
For this year’s FIRST LEGO League (FLL), Cort has created an early tutorial video for most of the missions that helps participants visualize the mission models before they can get their hands on it. Subscribe to our channel and be the first to see what comes next:
If you are teaching a beginners robotics course you can start things off with our basic GearsBot curriculum and challenges.
We’ll try to post more about our exciting new educational tools and adventures.