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On Stage
- Open up your cospace C file in vscode.
- Press “Ctrl – Shift – b”. You should see a message “No build task to run found. Configure build task”. Click on that message.
- Click on “Create tasks.json file from template”
- Click on “Others”. This should open a new “tasks.json” file.
- Delete everything in you “tasks.json” and replace it with the content of this link. Save your “tasks.json” (Ctrl – s).
- Go back to your C file, and press “Ctrl – Shift – b”. Your file should now be compiled into a dll.
Autonomous Driving
- Briefing Slides (ODP / PDF)
- Design Patterns (ODP / PDF)
- Move Steering (ODP / PDF)
- Line Following Intermediate (ODP / PDF)
- Handling Durations (ODP / PDF)
- Gyro Follower (ODP / PDF)
- Turn to Angle (ODP / PDF)
- Gyro Follower with Integral Controls (ODP / PDF)
- Official Website (Link)